VET & SME Tourism Crisis Curriculum

What is the purpose of these materials?
Due to its characteristics, the tourism industry is particularly vulnerable to crises. Small and medium-sized enterprises are especially at risk here – they lack the resources and/or the operational as well as strategic know-how to navigate their business through difficult times.
However, the topic of business crisis is highly complex, touching all areas of entrepreneurial competencies. In fact, overcoming a business crisis is one of the most difficult management tasks of all. There is no easy workaround on the topic.
Based on many years of practical experience in crisis consultancy, we developed a comprehensive training course enabling owner/managers of tourism SMEs to
- detect and prepare for a potential business crisis,
- teach specific measures to cope with a business crisis and
- build up crisis resilience.
Who is the training course for?
Our training course is aimed at owners and managers of SMEs operating in the tourism sector and already have business management knowledge.
“These Modules are designed to be used by educators and business owners. The modules are designed to be used by recipients according to their needs for redistribution, remixing, adapting, and developing your relevant needs and work, even commercially, as long as credit is given to the original creation of Navigating Tourism Crisis Recovery project (i.e., using the brand design, logo, website as presented) with the funding and support of the Erasmus+ European Commission.”
The modules of our SME Training Package
Module 1: Introduction
Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Precaution & Avoidance of Crises
Module 2: Precaution & Avoidance of Crises
Module 3: Coping with crises (reactive crisis management)
Module 3: Coping with crises (reactive crisis management)
Module 4: Liquidity Crisis & Liquidity Management
Module 4: Liquidity Crisis & Liquidity Management
Module 5: Functional Competences
Module 5: Functional Competences
Module 6: Adaptive Leadership
Module 6: Adaptive Leadership
Module 7: Crisis Resilience
Module 7: Crisis Resilience
Download our Trainers Guide
Download our Trainers Guide

What is to be considered?
Due to the complexity of the topic, it will take some time and concentration to complete the training course. Nonetheless, we strongly recommend to invest the time to acquire the knowledge needed to mitigate a business crisis. After all, it is an investment in the survival of your business.